The VanVechten Cemetery Association is a 501 (c) 13 tax exempt organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations can be sent to:
VanVechten Cemetery Association
c/o Ava Douglass, Treasurer
520 State Highway 161
Amsterdam, New York 12010
Or you can donate online by clicking on the Paypal button to the right (you do not need a PayPal account)
EIN - 14-1469024
Planned Giving
Consider joining the Isabella VanVechten Legacy Society. Your gift to the cemetery will provide continued exceptional service for future generations.
Endowment Giving
Endowments are a long-term funding strategy whose proceeds are designated to be used for a specific purpose. The money put into this fund — the corpus — will be part of the fund forever in order to earn interest and grow. The larger the corpus, the larger the distributions it can generate — distributions that will continue forever. The VanVechten Cemetery Association has a Permanent Maintenance Fund which is required by the Division of Cemeteries and acts as the endowment fund for the organization.
Ava Douglass
520 State Hwy 161
Amsterdam, NY 12010